If an NPC sees you, he will try to run at you and catch you. You need to get the same items as NPCs are gathering. The goal of the level is to get 5 items into a grocery cart, and go past checkout. Players now have the superthrow ability by default. So it’s a shame to cut it, but it’s just not fun enough. It’s neat in theory, but gameplay wise we spent a bit too much time on it. Repeat 10 times and you’d learn you can hold down mouse2 for that.

NPCs would surround the player, give him an item, and then chase the item if the player throws it. The idea behind it was to teach players how to use a superthrow ability.

Enter your email address and a first and last name. Scroll down the page and then click on the Download The Free Alpha Demo Now button. Beta 3 is out now in Early Alpha Access on PC Click on the Download button on the sidebar, and a new tab will open to the ‘Hello, Neighbor’ download page.TinyBuild GAMES has announced that the Hello Neighbor Beta 3 is out now and available (for those of you who have the game it should auto-update – make sure you’re opted out of all betas as pictured here) There’s a BOSS, a BASEMENT, and more.